Learn with KeenDog from the Comfort of Your Home!

online courses Feb 13, 2024
Golden retriever running through field toward camera with trees and sunlight in the background

Looking to jumpstart your dog's training but can't commit to an in-person training package?

Prefer to move at your own pace from the comfort of your home? 

Want to train your dog yourself, but need a little guidance?

Looking for high quality training at a price that fits your budget?

Want to learn the KeenDog system but don't live in Charlotte?

If you answered yes to any of the questions above, then our online courses may be the perfect option for you!

For comprehensive puppy raising, check out our course Raising Your Dog the KeenDog Way. This course includes a wealth of knowledge on subjects that range from in-home management to leash walking, play development to e-collar conditioning. With 14 modules and around 80 lessons, we are not exaggerating when we say that this course is truly comprehensive!

To replicate a board-and-train from the comfort of your own home, check out our course E-Collar Train Your Dog in 3 Weeks. With this course, you'll follow along as we train two board-and-train dogs, Nikko and Bailey, from start to finish. Along the way, you'll get a behind-the-scenes look at how we work with board-and-train dogs and you'll learn to e-collar train your dog in the process!