Playing With Your Dog Is More Than Just Playing With Your Dog

charlotte dog training play Jul 16, 2024
pitbull dog playing tug

It’s a simple question: “Do you play with your dog?” Most dog owners will quickly answer yes, but experience challenges that come from a lack of rules and boundaries between owner and canine.

Does your dog run off with the toy or play keep away? Do they refuse to drop the toy, or snatch it away when you go to reach for it? Maybe they target your hands during play or struggle to engage in play at all when in public.

Understanding Play as a Structured Game

Sports are games with rules and boundaries, and the same principles should apply to playing with your dog. In sports, a whistle signals a pause, and players must respect this pause. Similarly, during play, your dog should learn to "out" the toy and pause before resuming the game. Without these rules, play time can become chaotic. It is also important to understand what type of play your dog prefers to ensure you are working with your dog during play versus against their natural genetic traits.

Building Drive and Motivation

To build drive in games, you need to allow your dog to win often at the start. If you always lose, you'd quit, right? So let your dog win frequently and enjoy their victory. Proper targeting also helps build motivation and confidence, reducing the risk of your hands getting bitten during play.

Rules and Boundaries in Play

Establish rules within the game, such as not checking out during play to sniff or say hi to someone, targeting only the toy and not hands, dropping the toy when they have a clear understanding what "out" means, etc. If they don’t obey the rules, the game ends or there’s a time out. This structure teaches them the importance of cooperation and also improves their overall impulse control.

Home Field Advantage

Many dogs play comfortably at home, but not in public because they haven't been taught to do so, or other distractions take precedence. Proper training can help your dog interact confidently with you and their toys, no matter where you are.

Play is More Than "Just Play"

Play is complex and involves more than just shaking a toy. It's about strengthening your bond, increasing enthusiasm to respond to known behaviors, and working on impulse control.

Let us guide you through various games you can play with your dog. Our online course, “Raising Your Dog The KeenDog Way,” covers fetch, tug/possession, frisbee, and personal play in detail. With 80 modules, you’ll find everything you need to enhance your relationship with your dog while having fun. And if you prefer one-on-one in person coaching, we offer various packages for that option as well!  



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