Hot Take: Sometimes Rehoming Your Dog is the Right Thing To Do

rehoming Apr 23, 2024
bully mix and belgian malinois sitting and looking at camera

Relationships don’t always work out. In human relationships, this is widely accepted and going separate ways is viewed as a normal part of life. When it comes to human and dog relationships, however, unfortunately many people view breaking up as the wrong thing to do, no matter the situation. We have seen many dogs over the years thrive in new homes when their original owners decided (after committing to working with their dog) to rehome them.

We aren’t suggesting that people should give up on their dog without first putting in effort and carefully weighing their options. If you have worked hard to train your dog, provide proper structure and outlets for their genetic drives, and yet the lifestyle you lead doesn't mesh with what your dog needs, it is absolutely okay to rehome your dog. In fact, in most cases it is the right thing to do for you both.

Rehoming your dog can and should be a difficult decision. Most people adopt or purchase a dog with the best of intentions and it is inevitable that you will miss parts of the relationship and life you shared together. But when you receive updates from your dog's new family and they're absolutely flourishing in life, it takes away any doubt or heartache you may have had over the decision to rehome your dog.

We also are not suggesting that you should drop your dog off at a shelter. Please don’t do that! If the breeder or rescue that you originally got your dog from will not take them back, social media is a good place to start. You can reach out to your friends and family, and then expand to groups that will allow you to post a detailed listing about your dog. Depending on your dog's breed, temperament, and potential as a sport, service, or project dog, there are numerous purpose-based groups that will help you find the right fit for your dog. 

Make sure to do your due diligence and thoroughly interview any prospective candidates. Google them, speak to references, visit their home... make sure that you are setting your dog up for a better life than you can provide, not a worse one. Trial runs are always a great way to ensure that dog and handler / lifestyle are compatible. And always be 100% truthful about your dog when rehoming - it isn't fair to anyone to keep secrets or minimize issues. 

No one envisions rehoming their dog, but sometimes life throws us curveballs. If you are feeling frustrated or incompatible with your dog, please reach out and explore training before you decide to rehome! We work with dogs from all over the country (and beyond!), both in person and online. Make sure to check out the services and online courses that we offer!



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