We Train For You

e collar training Apr 30, 2018
Dog looking at handler, sitting in front of playground

We had the amazing opportunity to attend a 5 day E-Collar Seminar at K9 Connection with one of the best dog trainers available, Tyler Muto. Our mission at KeenDog is to provide our clients and their dogs with the best resources and information as possible. Continued education is the best thing we can do for our clients and in turn for our community. The more I know, the better resource I can be.

For some people it can be hard to put their ego aside and open their mind to another’s theory and principles. In this industry there is no room for a big ego. It’s not about us, it’s about our clients and their dogs and how we can help them the best we can. KeenDog refuses to be a “Taxi”; hesitant to evolve with the times. While we wholeheartedly believe in our system, there are always ways to improve.

The funny thing with dog training is everything is situational. More often than not,  when you ask a trainer a dog related question their first response is, “it depends”  and then they go into more detail.  It depends on the dog. It depends on the handler. It depends on the environment. There CAN’T be a cookie cutter approach to dog training. The more tools we have in our tool box the better resource we can be.

We do what we do, in hopes of enhancing your life with your dog. It’s not about us. We learn for you. We practice for you. We train for you.